Garden Sanctuary


Garden Sanctuary

Our City of Toronto corner lot is somewhat cradled within the curve of a nurturing streetscape. The extended visual space gave extra opportunity to hedge in, multiple levels of outdoor rooms, gardening stories and artistic interpretations of clever hardscaping & delightful plant combinations.

It’s a well studied, yet intuitive pairing of upcycled components, garden statuary and plant life that serve as privacy barriers, organic urban gardening and a joyful fusion of colour and fragrance.

And I did it all by myself.

I coupled my visual merchandising skills with that of being a green sustainability advocate.

I am a community Earth Hour leader and RoncyWorks member                                                  (volunteers who support our BIA’s public outreach)                                                                                            I try to live a green awakened lifestyle. 

I have always had a long time passion for gardening and use the opportunity to study energy philosophy because the open spaces and  stone structures in my garden are actually enhancers of our home’s interior feng shui patterns.  I am a certified Feng Shui Practitioner and Scholar. 

But most of all, our garden represents a seasonal escape from our inside world that has become a place of refuge and healing.  It’s our sanctuary.

A city lot is a place to invest in society’s future by increasing the tree canopy which in turn, reduces carbon emissions, emits life sustaining oxygen and beautifies the world.  Its also a magical place to escape from the world and enjoy the splendor of nature.

Watch a slide show of the Garden     (click for link)


Garden Sanctuary